How Taking Inventory Of Your Life Can Help You Live With More Intention

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Live life with intention
You Hold the power to create the life you want to live

You hold the power to live the life you want to live. You get to decide what you do, where you go, how you treat yourself and others, and how you move through life. Taking inventory of your day-to-day can help you live with more intention and purpose. It can help you focus on what you want out of life and what kind of life you live.

You Get To Decide The Direction Your Life Takes

Where intention goes, energy flows. This means you are the creator of your life depending on how intentional you are and where you focus your energy and intention. I love this outlook on life. It keeps me moving forward with focus and intention. If you focus on your problems and negative thoughts more will come. If you focus on your goals and strengths you can push through things and work towards a positive meaningful life. You can reach your goals and move through obstacles with more ease. Which would you prefer?

How To Take INVENTORY OF YOUR Day to Day

A Great way to live with more intention is to take inventory of your life. Take a look at what’s working and what’s not working. The best times to do this are in the morning and at night. This is something I am committed to adding to my morning and evening rituals in 2024. It doesn’t have to be big or complicated. Simply decide how you want your day to go in the morning. Decide how you want to show up and what you want to do. Set your intentions for the day and express gratitude. At night look at your day. What went well? How did you show up? What did you accomplish? Where can you be more loving and patient? Simply reflect on your day and bring those reflections into your next morning’s intention. What a beautiful way to grow and evolve.

Taking Inventory Of The Big Picture

Looking at the big picture of your life can be very helpful if you are working towards big goals or self-improvement. Sit down and think about the areas of your life you want to improve. Relationships, career, parenting, finances etc. Make a list of things you are proud of and what you want to work towards. It helps to put things down on paper. This helps you to see and map out what you want and where you want to go. When you are doing this think about how you want to feel with each intention and goal. Think about how you want to feel vs what you want to get out of your goals. This is a big mindset shift and if you can grasp it and run with it so many things will shift for you. It helps you set goals from an authentic place instead of following what society tells you, you should want.

Set Your Intentions and Surrender

Set your intentions and let the universe guide you. Don’t push too hard or you might not hear the guidance you are being sent. Stay open to changing direction. Sit still and listen. When we push too hard we are not open to changes we need to make to reach our purpose and full potential. Remember the universe is here to guide you towards living your best life. Slow down listen and love more.

xo Alayna

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