Live a Life Of Purpose, Find Your Dharma And Share It With The World

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Do you feel like you are always working towards the next thing that will make you happy? The next trip, the next job, the next piece of clothing etc. We were all put here on the planet to be our true authentic selves and share our soul’s purpose with the world. Instead, we live a life full of distractions, drama, busyness and lack. Finding your dharma is connecting to what you are here to do and doing it with ease and grace. I hope this inspires you to find what you love and are meant to do and do it.

What Is Dharma

I believe we are all here for a reason. We were all born with a soul. A soul with needs wants a path and a purpose. We all have unique interests, talents, gifts, perspectives, ways to love etc. We must nurture our soul and our soul’s purpose to be able to share it with the world. We must listen deeply to ourselves to find our path and how we are meant to share our gifts with the world. Dharma is just that. Dharma is what we are here to do and share with the world. Dharma is our soul’s purpose on this planet.

How To Find Your Dharma

Dharma is not something we must find in the outside world. Dharma is inside us. We are ALL born with a purpose, a path and lessons we must learn to get us closer to who we truly are. To truly connect to your purpose you have to look inward. Here are some ways to find your Dharma.

  • Slow down and listen. Listen to the voice inside you and follow it. It will lead you towards your path, your lessons and your voice.
  • What did you like to do as a child? This might give you clues. Children are born without filters. They are born judgment free and they know what they like.
  • What are you naturally drawn to? This will require you to slow down and listen to that inner voice again. Follow it.
  • What can you naturally talk about for hours? What can you never get enough of?
  • What do people come to you for? Without knowing it, people will be drawn to others who they FEEL can help them with something. We are all energic beings and our instincts point us in the direction we need.
  • Ask people you know what they like about you or feel you are good at. I don’t think you need to ask others, the answers are inside you, but it’s nice to check in with loved ones and see what they have to say.

Keep your Life In Motion And Follow Your Purpose

One foot in front of the other is one of my favourite sayings. Life is meant to be constantly moving. We are not meant to be stagnant. Don’t sit in the comfort of life. Push yourself forwards always. Keep your energy moving and grow. It may not feel good or comfortable all the time, but it’s so worth it. Choose the road less travelled and find your soul’s path. Life is a big mirror. It mirrors what we are here to do and how to get there. The universe will keep giving you the same lessons until you work them out. It’s a lot of work, but the hard roads are the ones worth taking.

Make the world a better Place

We were all put on the earth to raise the vibration by sharing our Dharma with the world. The world needs so much love. I encourage you to share your gifts with the world. I encourage you to be brave and find your unique path. Work on yourself. Help others. Share your light.

xo Alayna

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