Nourish The Mind, Body, Spirit, and Social Connections.

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Four Dimensions of a Healthy Soul

I’ve always known that being a healthy human is more complex than what the average person does on a daily basis. Taking a holistic approach is to nourish the soul and all its parts. I’ve come across many explanations, but the one that really resonated with me was the four dimensions: Mind, Body, Spirit and Social Connections. Welcome to Healthy Dimensions. This blog will explore ways to nourish these things, to be a happy, thriving, and healthy human.

The mind

The mind is the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought. It is the human experience. We use our minds to evolve and learn new things. There is a direct link between the mind and the body. What we think can affect our health and the way our body responds to stress. If you have ever experienced being stuck in a negative mindset, you know how much it affects the rest of your life. If you have a healthy mind the challenges you face in life will become a lot easier.

The body

The body is the physical structure that carries us through life. We use the body to take us where we want to go daily. It’s our vessel of life. We use it to hug, to move, to rest, to be here on earth. When our body is in good condition we are happier and more energetic. The possibilities are endless. The modern world is very hard on our bodies. We live in a world of convenience and it’s taking a toll on our health. Our health will become a priority at some point in our life, let’s make it a priority while we are healthy. Health is wealth.

The Spirit

The spirit is non-physical, it’s our connection to our emotions, our authentic self, our heart, our will, something greater than us, god, spirituality, angels, or whatever you believe. Our connection to spirit is nourished by time in nature, with our elders, reading, yoga, meditation, prayer, music, dance, and time alone. It’s the deep knowing that we are taken care of and when we feel connected to spirit there is a sense of peace. When we feel peace we are in alignment with love and love will heal us all.

Social Connections

Our social connections are the relationships we have with the people around us. It can be family, friends, loved ones, co-workers, strangers we see out in the world and animals. When we feel connected and seen by others we feel secure in the world. Without social connections, we feel lost and disconnected. This can lead to many problems, both physical and emotional. Humans are social beings, and we need each other to thrive.

healthy Dimensions

Our mind is connected to our body and if one is out of balance the other will follow. When our mind isn’t healthy we are not open to the beauty of life, which can affect the type of people we are attracting, the experiences in our daily life, and our overall vibe. An unhealthy body will experience fatigue, depression and lack of motivation. We are not alone in the human experience and we need a connection to something greater than us. We need to have faith, feel gratitude and love to feel whole and a sense of peace. All these things affect our vibe and our vibe attracts our tribe. The people we confide in, love and lean on. We need healthy relationships that make us feel seen and loved. To live a long, happy, purpose-filled life we need to nourish the soul. Human beings need strong and healthy minds, bodies, connection to spirit and social connections to thrive. Let’s thrive together.

XO Alayna

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