The Path To Manifestation

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An open sky with light behind the clouds

Super Attractor

My first introduction to manifestation was through the author and motivational speaker, Gabby Bernstein. Her book super attractor opened my mind to the possibilities that manifestation held. We truly can live a life beyond our wildest dreams. With trust in the universe, fun, gratitude, aligned action, and patience, the possibilities are endless. We can attract all that we desire and the universe always has your back. You just have to get out of the way and let the universe work with you.

Manifestation and The Subconscious

When I first started on my spiritual path I saw the word manifestation EVERYWHERE. I loved the idea that we could choose what we brought into our life. I woke up every day bright-eyed, knowing that we could manifest the life we want. However, I soon realized it’s not that simple. We need to heal our subconscious thought loops that play in our head, the stories we were told as children, the trauma and all the limiting beliefs that hold us back. If you were always told something as a child, even though you don’t believe it to be true now, it still affects what you are bringing into your life.

Manifestation backed by science

Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change throughout our lives. Our brain changes every time we learn something new, it’s shaped and moulded by the things we experience in our life. Epigenetics is the study of how your behaviours and your environment can change the way your genes work. When we change our environment our opportunities in life can change. When we change the way we think, we change the world around us. When we heal our trauma we can look around and see beauty, possibilities and change. These concepts changed the way I looked at manifestation immediately.

To be magnetic

I was listening to a podcast one day and the woman being interviewed name was Lacy Phillips, she started a company called To Be Magnetic. She explained the process she takes on manifestation and something clicked. Lacy uses a process she calls neural manifestation which is backed by neuroscience, psychology, epigenetics, EMDR, energetics, and spirituality. She uses deep imaginings to bring forward old limiting beliefs or trauma and reprogram them to raise your self-worth. They are like guided meditations that put you in a deep state of relaxation. She explains how the universe has one mission, to bring you back to your whole authentic self. The way you were born. This spoke to me. It was what I wanted out of talk therapy, but wasn’t getting. I signed up immediately. For Canadians, it costs 44 dollars a month and you commit to a year membership or you can pay the entire amount monthly. I am still very new to To Be Magnetic work, but let me tell you I love it! I have been able to go deep and look at things that have been holding me back in life. I can feel things moving and shifting toward the life I’ve always dreamed of. If you are interested you can click my link to get a discount on a membership. This link is to save 15% off your monthly payment plan this link is to save 15% off your year paid in full I would 100% recommend To Be Magnetic to anyone looking to live the life of their dreams and move past their limiting beliefs and programming they picked up in childhood.

Happy Manifesting

You get out of life what you put into it. This is something I tell my kids all the time. If you want to live a life of abundance and love, be generous and loving. If you want freedom and peace be free and peaceful. We really can have all that we want and I hope this inspires you to get up each day and reach for the stars.

xo Alayna

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