How To Cultivate More Joy In your Life

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Find Joy In the Mundane

We all get up every day and move through the motions of life. We have our rituals, routines, schedules and habits. But we can get so caught up in the day-to-day that we forget to be joyful. We forget to stop and smell the roses. What if we took an extra moment to hug our kids a little longer in the morning, sat down for our morning matcha, or were grateful to be able to pick our fresh produce at the grocery store instead of dreading it? We can find joy in the simple moments of life, we just need to slow down. Find happiness in the journey, instead of rushing to the destination.

Make Kindness a Habit

Being intentional with how we treat others will make your life and the lives of the people around you more joyful. Smile at people when you pass them, offer help to the mom struggling at the grocery store, hold the door for someone behind you, or give someone a genuine compliment. Naturally finding ways to be kind and connect with others is something you can do every day. Kindness is contagious and who couldn’t use a little more kindness in their life?

Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is a wonderful way to bring more joy into our lives. When we are grateful for the beauty of life, both big and small, we learn that every moment of the day is one to be thankful for. Practicing gratitude will surely change your attitude. It will train your brain to be positive and love life more, which will bring more joy into your life. Research has shown gratitude can strengthen your mental health, your physical health, your relationships, and your overall well-being. Gratitude not only helps you live a more joyful life but it helps others do the same. I encourage you to find ways to make gratitude a daily practice: journal, say thank you, show people how much you love them and share your practice with others.

Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”

Eckhart Tolle

Make room for fun and adventure

Look for ways to add some excitement to your life. Don’t let the excuse of “being busy” stop you from living a joyful life. We can get so caught up in our work, and our family’s daily needs that we forget that life is meant to be lived. Try adding some excitement to your life by trying something new, being spontaneous, and switching up your routine. I added a walk to my day after dropping my daughter off at kindergarten and it felt amazing. That time out in nature was a great mid-day reset. My goal this year is to add something fun and exciting to each month. Next month we are going on a family trail ride in Kananaskis. Adding new things to your life gives you something to look forward to. Don’t you feel so much happier when you break out of your routine and you know something exciting is coming? Give it a try! I hope I’ve inspired you to find more joy in your life and share it with others.

xo Alayna

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