My Favourite Coffee Alternatives That Nourish The Body

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My favourite coffee alternatives. A beautiful cup of Matcha.

I love a morning ritual that includes something warm to sip on before I start my busy day. Coffee was no longer an option for me after having my second child and I felt lost. I set out to find coffee alternatives that I could love and look forward to. Here are some of my favourite coffee swaps that nourish the body.

Why I Said Goodbye to Coffee

Coffee was part of my morning ritual for as long as I could remember. I loved waking up and either preparing my own or grabbing a latte on my way to work. After having my second child and struggling with post-partum depression and anxiety, I was forced to look at what was and wasn’t working in my day-to-day routines. I noticed after drinking coffee my anxiety would go through the roof. If you’ve ever suffered from anxiety, you know you’d do anything to eliminate it. I gave coffee up immediately and it helped me manage my anxiety, but I needed a replacement so I set out to find the best one.

My favourite Coffee Alternatives

  • Shilajit: I drink Shilajit before drink anything else in the morning. I dissolve it in warm water with some lemon. This is something when taken consistently, I notice a huge improvement in my energy throughout the day. I rarely experience the 3 pm lag and I just feel my energy levels stay very consistent when I drink it.
  • Matcha: This is my favourite coffee alternative and making a match latte at home is easy and delicious. I use ceremonial-grade matcha for its quality and smooth taste. I use my handheld frother to blend it up with either raw honey, coconut sugar, or maple syrup and then I add my homemade cashew milk and voila a delicious matcha latte. My favourite brand for its quality, price and convenience is Toro Ceremonial Grade Matcha.
  • Mud/Wtr Rise Cacao: This was the first thing I tried when I cut out coffee. It’s a combination of mushrooms, chai, cacao, ayurvedic herbs, and adaptogens. I blend it with my favourite sweetener and either their creamer or my homemade cashew milk. I will say their creamer is amazing. It comes in powder form and it’s a combination of coconut milk and MCT oil.
  • Chai: I LOVE chai! I am not talking about the syrups they call chai at your local coffee shops, I’m talking about the blend of traditional spices and black tea made into a deliciously creamy drink. My favourite chai is Blue Lotus Chai for its authentic taste and it has black tea ground into the powder, I also love that it’s a bit spicy. My second favourite is made locally at the Light Cellar. Their Cordyceps Chai Powder is made with a blend of traditional chai spices and cordyceps extract, this Chai is way less spicy. The only reason this is my second favourite is because it doesn’t have black tea in it so I steep it with a black tea bag before I blend it up with sweetener and my homemade cashew milk. It’s extra delicious with The Light Cellars coconut butter.
  • Tumeric tea latte: This one is my creation. I use a Chai tea bag or an Earl Grey and steep it for a few minutes, I add half to one teaspoon of Blumes Golden Milk Turmeric Ginger Latte, a splash of sweetener, and my homemade cashew milk and blend it up with my frother.
  • Green tea: I love green tea for its health benefits and how it gives me a little pick-me-up if I need one. I don’t feel any caffeine side effects, it just makes me a bit more focused and alert. Make sure you get organic and good-quality green tea. My favourite is Traditional Medicinals, Lemongrass green tea. I like it for its quality, taste and price.

Find Your Flow and Listen To Your Body

I’m a huge believer in listening to your body and finding what works for you. Coffee might make you feel great! Or it doesn’t, and you continue to drink it even though your body is telling you it might not be working for you. Habits (especially ones you love) are hard to break! But once you break them it’s easy to stick to it. I love a good routine or schedule, but getting in flow with your body feels so much better than any habit. I encourage you to slow down and listen to what your body is telling you.

xo Alayna

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