How To Surrender To The Flow Of Life By Letting Your Intuition Guide You

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How to tap into your intuition.

Something that has been coming a lot during my meditations is intuition. I believe letting your intuition guide you is the secret to living a happy purpose-filled life. Trusting yourself and the information given to you will lead you towards a beautiful, meaningful path. I hope this inspires you to trust yourself and follow your inner wisdom.

What is Intuition

Have you ever had a good feeling about something and followed it? Or got an idea for a project out of nowhere? Have you had a feeling about a person? Maybe a funny feeling in your tummy? Or a vision during a quiet moment? These are all examples of your intuition. Intuition is your inner guide that leads your path through life. It’s a compass given to you from the Universe. Following your intuition is available to everyone, but it does take some discipline and slowing down. We can’t access our intuition easily if we are constantly running through life with no time to tap into our true selves. There are so many distractions in the modern world that our intuition can get lost in the day-to-day distractions. I encourage you to take a breath and remove some things in your life that are blocking your true inner knowing from guiding you.

Intuition Is Becoming Lost in A Sea Of Distractions

It feels like we are being blocked from accessing our intuition these days. We have so much going on around us that we can’t listen to ourselves. There is so much outside noise coming at us 24/7. Our phones are the biggest intuition blocker. We don’t have to dig deep and ask ourselves for answers because all we have to do is grab our phone and any answer we want to find is right there. We also have quick access to escaping the given moment/hard time we are facing. You can grab your phone start scrolling or searching and instantly forget about your thoughts or challenges. I invite you to stop yourself when you feel yourself wanting to do that. Sit and just contemplate life and whatever comes up in your mind. This is so simple but, technology is robbing us of our inner guidance.

Slowing down is an easy way to let yourself feel your feelings and hear your inner guide. Turn off the music, TV, and your phone, don’t schedule anything for an entire weekend and see what comes up. If you can do this consistently your intuition will start becoming louder and louder. Make time and space for you to listen. I promise it will be worth it. The answers you need are always inside you, but we have been programmed to think the opposite.

My Favourite Ways To Access My Intuition

  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Journaling
  • Walking in nature
  • Long morning walks
  • Listening to soft music with no lyrics
  • Sound therapy
  • Sit by the water and let your mind wander
  • Take a bath
  • Cuddle your fur baby
  • Turn off all sound and devices

The Answer is Always Inside You

I wholeheartedly believe that the path we are meant to walk is found when we listen to ourselves. It’s always nice to talk to a loved one and have them weigh in, but at the end of the day, you are the only one who can find the answers you are seeking. Slow down and make time to listen. Love yourself more, believe in yourself and follow your heart.

xo Alayna

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