My Top Spiritual Self-Care Practices That Nourish The Soul

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Spiritual Self Care. Meditation In Nature.

Spiritual self-care will look different for each one of us. I have found an immense amount of peace and joy in incorporating spirituality into my daily routine. As always, do what makes your soul happy. I hope this article helps you find ways to bring some spiritual self-care into your day.

What Is Spiritual Self-Care?

Spiritual self-care is connecting to your inner self, and nourishing the spirit/soul. It’s finding time in your day to connect to the universe, god, angels, or whatever you believe. This can be done in many different ways. Connecting to something greater than us and knowing we are held and taken care of plays a big role in us feeling happy. I have been learning about the Blue Zones. Blue Zones are areas in the world where people live much longer. They have found communities that have a spiritual connection to god, the universe, spirit or whatever you believe in, live longer. It’s no surprise, as it truly makes you feel you are held and that there is something always looking out for you. Taking of yourself spiritually can be such a lovely addition to your self-care routine.

Spiritual Self-Care Practices

  • Meditation: Meditation is my favourite spiritual self-care practice. It allows me to relax my mind and listen to anything that may be coming up. I let it go and it passes. My intuition has become stronger since I devoted my time more consistently to meditation. I often do guided meditations, depending on what I’m working on healing or moving through. Our mind is something WE have control over. It can bring peace to our day or cause us to spiral into negative thoughts and emotions. Take good care of your mind and your peace will follow.
  • Prayer and affirmations: This is such a personal thing for everyone. My life has become a walking prayer. I love incorporating positive affirmations into my day. I have been reading You Can Heal Your Life, By Louise Hay. She has an affirmation for everything! Any challenging situation, thought or feeling can be soothed with an affirmation. I pick one and write it out repeat it for a few days and move on to another. If you can meet the affirmation with the positive feeling that goes along with it even better. I feel affirmations are prayers. I also love to say a prayer each morning and night after my meditation. I often pray to my Grandpa who has passed, along with, god, the universe and angels. It’s very comforting, as I know they are listening.
  • Practice gratitude: Gratitude has the power to change your entire life. When you are grateful for what you have, you receive more. When you think about what you don’t have, you receive less. The universe gives you what you are. I believe gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to connect to the universe.
  • Read inspirational books or articles: Reading was my first connection to spirituality. It opened my mind and my heart in a way that I had never experienced before. Now all the books I read have some form of spirituality in them. I love learning and growing through reading about other’s paths and teachings.
  • Yoga: Yoga is one of my favourite ways to move my body, but I also love the spiritual insight you get from the practice. My favourite teachers will bring spiritual lessons into the class. I leave feeling better physically and I’ve learnt something. I love to set an intention during yoga, this allows me to focus on something positive in my mind as I move through the postures.
  • Walking in nature: Spending time in nature is a great way to quiet the mind. For me, it’s a walking meditation, even with my kids around. I can really switch off from the day and appreciate the beauty around me. We are all made up of nature and it’s important that we get out in nature to really appreciate the beauty and peace it brings to our lives.
  • Clearing space and energy: I love putting on devotional music, lighting some sage or palo santo (depending on how the house is feeling) and clearing the energy of the house. I often include my kids in this and they love it. Funny enough my cats often naturally get involved too. When we are finished I feel so relaxed and ready for whatever the day will bring. The house feels fresh and free of any negative energy.
Spiritual self-care tools to clear energy. Incense, Palo Santo, crystals, singing bowl and sage.

Why Spiritual Self-Care Is Important

Finding the time to incorporate spiritual self-care in your day can be difficult. Like anything new, it will take some practice and discipline. For the soul to be in perfect harmony and balanced we must nurture the entire soul: mind, body, spirit and social connections. Nourishing your spirit will help you create balance in the mind and the body. It will deepen your relationships with yourself and others. The amount of purpose and peace you will feel is indescribable. I hope this inspires you to nourish your spirit through Spiritual self-care.

xo Alayna

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