Nourish The Mind, Body, Spirit, and Social Connections: The Body

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Nourish the body with movement. A women doing plank.

Healthy Dimensions is meant to inspire you to take control of your health holistically. We must nourish the entire soul to be a happy, healthy and thriving human. We can’t take care of one aspect of our soul and expect to be fully nourished. I believe the soul has four dimensions: the mind, body, spirit and social connections. This week we are exploring the body. I hope this inspires you to nourish your soul and think differently about your health.

Listen To Your Body

How often do you listen to your body? Is it trying to tell you something? Are your meals leaving you feeling bloated and tired or energized and light? These are easy ways to tune into how you are feeling. People have forgotten that food is our greatest medicine and is meant to fuel our bodies. We abuse our bodies with food instead of healing it. There are many ways your body speaks to you, such as diarrhea, acne, dry skin, dry hair etc. If we treat our bodies well they thank us with energy, good moods, radiant skin, good digestion etc. Take some time to take note of how you feel throughout the day, and what you are eating. Try making small changes and see what helps. Take responsibility for your health, I promise no one cares about your health more than you.

Health is Wealth

One of my favourite sayings is: your health will be a priority one day, it may as well be one while you are healthy. I’m not sure who said it and if that’s exactly what was said, but it spoke to me. No matter who you are and where you are from, your health will be a priority one day. How much easier would it be if you took control of your health while you feel good? You can prevent so many things just by practicing healthy lifestyle choices. Your diet, exercise routine, the time you spend in nature, social life, the water you drink and bathe in, the toxins you are exposed to, stress etc. These all play a huge factor in your health, now and in the future. All of these things are mostly under your control. I encourage you to make healthy choices now to set yourself up for a healthy life.

My favourite ways To Nourish my body

  • Wake up early and try to stick to the same bedtime and wake time daily
  • Move my body every day: My favourite fitness app Fiton, is free. It helps me keep things fun! I love barre, yoga, strength training, and stretching. I also love to go for long walks in nature. Find something you enjoy and it will be hard to miss a day.
  • Drink and bathe in clean water: We love Northern water cleaners! I’ve noticed a huge difference in my hair and skin and my son’s eczema is gone! I encourage you to research what’s in tap water. You will be running to get a filter. Please mention my name (Alayna Gaskin) if you decide to use them, it helps support my blog!
  • Fuel your body with nourishing foods: I stick to the 90/10 rule, sometimes 80/20. But I focus on whole organic REAL food. Packaged food is not real food. Our bodies are not meant to eat it either. This is not meant to shame anyone and I’m not perfect, but I know how much better I feel after eating a freshly prepared meal with real ingredients vs. something that came out of a box.
  • I’m conscious of what I expose my body too. This includes makeup, skincare, cleaning products, laundry detergent, deodorant, toothcare, hair products, food, drinks etc. I try to find chemical-free options to lessen the toxic load on my body. We are exposed to so much these days. I do what I can to make the best choices for me and my family. I will share and link some of my favourite brands below.

My favourite Non-Toxic Brands

Your Body Is A Temple

I can’t encourage you enough to take control of your health and treat your body with love and care every single day. The choices you make now will affect the rest of your life. Listen to your intuition it will guide you towards a healthier life. If you are healthy, you are able to move through life with energy and ease. Start with one small change this week and add one weekly. It’s amazing how much you can change with small choices, they all add up. When your body is healthy, it’s easier to navigate life and all its ups and downs. I hate to say it but most people are very unhealthy. Get healthy and inspire others to do the same.

xo Alayna

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