Nourish The Mind, Body, Spirit, And Social Connections: The Spirit

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The Spirit. Nourish the spirit and your connection to your creator.

Healthy Dimensions was born during a time when I was searching for more. I had recently broken some habits and was on a road to self-discovery and health. My intuition lead me to the idea that for our soul to be healthy and thriving we must balance it by nourishing it. I believe our soul is made up of 4 main parts: the mind, body, spirit, and social connections. This week I’m deep diving into the spirit. What spirit means to me and how I nourish it. I encourage you to take the road less travelled and pay attention to what your soul is craving.

What Is Spirit

The Spirit is a connection to your creator. Whatever you believe in. God, The Universe, Nature, Source, The Divine, Angels etc. It’s up to you to follow your inner knowing and decide what that means to you. We all come from different upbringings and backgrounds. You may not believe what your family believes and that’s ok. The most important thing is you are true to what feels real to you. Your connection to spirit can be so beautiful and fulfilling. It can guide you when you feel lost and comfort you in hard times. Finding your connection to spirit is such an amazing path to walk. It brings so much peace and connection to your life. Finding your connection to spirit is as easy as sitting still and listening.

Spirit is also our connection to self, our emotions, our heart, and our will. Your connection to spirit requires self-love, self-care and a lot of self-development. We need to slow down and listen to your thoughts. Not the negative daily chatter our brain gives us, but really listening to your inner voice. Use your inner voice as a guide towards your authentic self and find the gifts life is giving you. Connection to spirit is an amazing way to find your path, your purpose, and your Dharma. Life is not meant to be get up go to work repeat. We are meant to have a deep sense of self and purpose. Society has created so many distractions that most of us don’t even know what that means. I encourage you to take the road less travelled, quiet the mind and listen to your inner knowing.

Finding Your Connection To Spirit

These days the average person is more concerned with what the media is telling them to think about than their inner voice. They have lost their connection to spirit, to nature, to self and their inner voice. I hope this pushes you towards finding your way back to self and your connection to something bigger. Turn down the noise, close your eyes and listen. This will take some time if you are just starting your path, but it is so worth your time. You will feel this sense of surrender. Surrender to life and all its ups and downs. You will trust your intuition to guide you instead of always feeling fear and stress. I used to be addicted to escaping and TV, but now I’m addicted to quieting the world, learning and trusting my guidance.

My Favourite Ways To Connect To Spirit

  • Meditation: This doesn’t have to be complicated, simply sitting for a few minutes a day in quiet will work. I also love guided meditation. I chose one based on how I’m feeling. Gabby Bernstein has some great ones. I also love Joe Dispenza, Fiton(it’s free to sign up), YouTube, and To Be Magnetic. To be Magnetic is a very unique form of meditation. They use a unique hypnosis process called unblocking. They are meditations that get into your subconscious to unblock things that are preventing you from living a full life. Things you picked up throughout life, through pain, shame or programming. TBM has been life-changing for me. Here’s a link to my full article on TBM, and here’s a link to my discount code for a yearly membership. Give it a try!! You won’t be disappointed if you give it your all.
  • Inspirational Podcasts: I love podcasts!! They have changed my life! I can learn while doing my everyday mundane tasks. It makes laundry, packing lunches, cleaning, cooking etc so fun! My favourite spiritual podcasts are: Know Thy Self, Wake The Fake Up, Dear Gabby, Soul On Fire, Pretty Intense and On Purpose. That being said, I love it all!! I have learnt so much and love hearing other people’s perspectives on their connection to spirit.
  • Prayer: Prayer gives me a sense of peace. I started praying while I was going through a big rock bottom, but have kept up with it because I love the feeling of an instant connection to spirit. I talk to my passed loved ones, angels, guides, god, universe. I feel heard and loved in prayer.
  • Reading inspirational books: My favourite authors are Louise Hay and Gabby Bernstein. I haven’t branched out much because I have so many other spiritual practices and reading genres I enjoy. But reading is a great way to slow down and connect.
  • Journaling: This is a newer practice for me. I always made the excuse of not having enough time. Once I carved out some time I realized that journaling is an amazing spiritual practice. It allows your intuition to speak to you. I love to burn Palo Santo before. I’m working on some journals to help you connect to your inner voice, so stay tuned.

Connection to Spirit Shall Set You Free

We are all here on this planet to be a part of something, something bigger than ourselves. We are here to connect, heal, serve, and live out our purpose. Unfortunately, we get lost in the day-to-day. We forget we are nature and we are all given unique gifts and perspectives to share. Those paths are discovered when we slow down and listen. Listen to that pull inside that guides us. Our inner knowing is your direct connection to spirit. The universe, our guides, god, or whatever you believe is always there for you if you just listen. I hope this inspires you to remember we are all connected and you are always being guided.

xo Alayna

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