The Magic Of Receiving Signs From The Universe And How To Navigate Them

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The Universe, The Creator, God, Our Guides, and Angels are always sending us messages. They will appear as triggers, lessons, rock bottoms, angel numbers, synchronicities, dreams, people, songs etc. Are you listening? Are you conscious of the guidance you have guiding you every day? I hope this inspires you to slow down, listen to your signs from the Universe and connect to the higher power that leads us toward our purpose, inner peace and freedom.

Make Spiritual Self-care A priority

Taking time every day to connect to Spirituality has been one of the most transformational things I’ve done for myself. Allowing that part of myself to grow and learn has brought me so much strength, inspiration and peace. Knowing that we have guidance and love from the Universe helps me navigate life and move through life with more ease. When I feel overwhelmed or stuck I take a deep breath and pay close attention to what’s going on around me. How am I being guided? What am I meant to learn from this? How can I grow and evolve from this? Instead of letting things get to me, I can listen and learn. Pause and listen.

What Are Signs And Guidance From The Universe?

I believe we are being given guidance every day. The Universe is guiding you toward your highest and most authentic self. Towards your path and purpose on earth. I learnt this concept while doing To Be Magnetic. Every day you are given things from the Universe that will push on some wound you may have and will trigger you. Instead of being triggered can you grow and learn from it? Can you show up differently? Can you show up with love in a healing way that heals that deep wound inside you? Can you show up with light, instead of anger and darkness? The more you do this, the more light you will have in your light. That is the law of attraction. Like attracts like. Be the light to see the light. Heal and thrive.

Another form of guidance is angel numbers. Angel numbers have been showing up EVERYWHERE for me. I think it’s because I’m so devoted and tapped into my spiritual connection. Angel numbers are number sequences like 11, 111, 1111, 33, 333, 3333 etc. If you see them, it’s meant to be a message from your angels. At first, I saw the same ones over and over, but now I just see all the angel numbers everywhere and every day. What I like to do is look them up to try to figure out the messages and guidance I am being given. I find this SO FUN, exciting and it brings me so much joy and comfort. I started sharing this with my kids and they love it too.

Synchronicities are another way you can receive guidance from the Universe. Synchronicities feel magical to me. Often they show up if I’m working on a blog post and all of a sudden that topic shows up everywhere!! My heart knows the Universe is telling me I’m on the right path. Sometimes synchronicities will be an answer to something I prayed about or sometimes it’s random. Synchronicities will also show up in conversations or on social media as answers to questions or feelings I’ve been wondering about. After they show up I will have that moment of WOW, this is exactly what I needed to hear. They are goosebump moments.

Lastly, signs. Signs also feel magical. Sometimes a sign will come from a request in a prayer or it will be random and you just feel it in your bones that it was a sign. Sometimes if I’m having a really hard time I will find dimes. I feel this is a nod or nudge from the Universe and my angels. They are telling me it will be ok and I’m on the right path. Or I will hear a song that has a deep meaning to me. I’ve had some magical, transformative signs that have reassured me of the presence of magic and a higher power. The thing is you have to slow down and pay attention or you will miss this magic. Most people don’t notice these things as they are so wrapped up in their day to day.

The magic Of Signs From The Universe Are AccesSible To Everyone

My hope for you is to find your unique Spiritual journey. I want everyone to feel and know they are being guided every day. Find the healing that comes with a Spiritual connection. You don’t have to have a specific belief to connect to the Universe’s magic. But you do have to take the time to slow down, practice and learn. I hope this inspires you to slow down and pay attention to the nudges you are being given every day.

xo Alayna

PS The day after I wrote this I received an email about receiving signs from the Universe! It made my day! I’m so happy that I’m aware of my signs and guidance. I feel so lucky and connected!

Here’s a link If you want to try To Be Magnetic. This is their monthly payment plan. This is for their year in full.


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