The Transformative Practice Of Pausing Before You React

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Pausing before you react. A moment of pause in nature

One week today I started my journey studying Kabbalah. In one week it has already completely changed my life and my consciousness. The first thing you learn is how transformative it is for your soul to pause before you react. Pausing before you react is so simple, but insanely effective. If you want to transform your life this concept will do just that.

Pause What A Pleasure

How many times a day do you react to something unconsciously? You would be surprised how often you do it. I bet you’d also be surprised how much pausing before you react can change your life, and it’s easier than you think. Kabbalah teaches that to bring more of what you desire into your life, you must get closer to the light. The light is the energy of the Universe, The Creator, God etc. You have to remove and heal the darkness that is inside you to reach your full potential and the life that you want. The first way to do that is to feel your reactive energy come up, acknowledge it and say what a pleasure. What a pleasure is you saying thank you for showing me what I need to heal to get closer to the life I desire.

I have been practicing pause what a pleasure for one full week, with maybe 2 small slips of reactive behaviour and my house feels so full, free and peaceful. My kids are calmer and happier, my relationship with my husband feels really good and easy and I’ve had no mood swings. When something comes up I can move through it peacefully. All it takes is a moment of pause and a big heartfelt “what a pleasure” and my fear, anger frustration etc, is gone. My mind is blown by how easy and transformative it has been. I’ve had moments of gosh, I wish I found this sooner, but I know the Universe led me to Kabbalah and I was meant to find it at this very moment.

How To Find The Lesson And heal Your Reactive Thoughts And Behaviour

Every day we are being given situations that could cause us to react and shift our day and other people’s days negatively. After you pause, what a pleasure the next step is to find what inside you needs to heal so you aren’t triggered by the same things over and over. This will require another level of stillness and consciousness. This is your Spiritual work that you’ve been given and healing this will help you connect to the light and the life of your dreams. Miracles are all around us, but we can’t connect with them when darkness is present.

A good example for me is I used to get triggered in the morning when my kids were not cooperating and we had to rush around to get out the door. I saw this, paused, and said “What a pleasure it is to get to take my kids to school every day, thank you for showing me this darkness so I can enjoy my kids more.” Like magic, our mornings are fun and easy. I make the conscious choice to get my kids up with extra love and enthusiasm, instead of tiredness and rushing. We get out the door easily and everyone goes to school happy. It truly feels magical to have that level of consciousness. This is inside EVERYBODY! It only requires love and the willingness to pause and shift. I now know through Kabbalah’s teachings that every trigger is a mirror for you to see what Kabbalah calls Tikkun. Tikkun is your darkness that you need to heal, to get closer to the light of the creator so you can live the life that you want. Being conscious of your darkness/triggers/tikkun, pausing, over time with repetition the trigger/trauma/tikkun is healed and dissolves. It feels super powerful to know and to see firsthand how we truly can heal and transform our lives and others just by being conscious of our reactive behaviour.

Your Life Can Change in An Instant

I am living proof that your life change can in an instant. Follow your intuition and keep learning and evolving. Follow the guidance you receive every day and keep showing up. Small steps every day will eventually turn into big changes. I have been following my intuition and guides every day and I have had so much clarity and so many goosebumps moments. Use your pain and fears as a compass towards your healing and I promise your life will transform. If you feel called check out Kabbalah one. It’s an online course, you pay what you can and all the money goes towards charity. Sending you all love!

xo Alayna

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