How To Transform Your Life And The LIves Of Others By GivIng More Than You Take

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Give more than you take
Holding hands up with a heart

The spirit of giving is one of the simplest spiritual practices you can adopt. The act of getting up each day and wanting to give more than you take is transformational and full of benefits for you and the world. We must meet life with love and generosity to be fulfilled and open to receive in our own lives. I have been studying Kabbalah over the past 6 months and it has inspired me to be a better person. I now look at life with a giving heart. I hope this inspires you to look at life from a different lens.

Give More Than You Take

When you wake up each day, what are you thinking about? Are you thinking about you and your needs or are you thinking about giving back to the world? I am not saying your needs and desires don’t matter. You are the most important person, and nourishing yourself is so important. I am only suggesting that you try to think of others alongside you, and your desires. Including others in your goals and desires opens you up to more of what you want, and you help others along the way. Having a generous heart will bring so much light into your life. It is the true secret to manifesting the life of your dreams. I have seen firsthand that the more I give to people around me, the more I get in return. I am not talking about getting gifts. I am talking about energy. The more love and energy I inject into my home, the more peace and love in my home. Giving my full undivided attention to my kids makes them so much happier and they cooperate on a level I didn’t even know was possible. All the other selfish things can wait. Stop, slow down and give to your kids. Same with your partner. We get so busy in life that relationships become transactions. Love your partner more, listen more than you speak and give them all you’ve got. It will come back to you tenfold.

How Giving Can Heal

Being a generous, giving person has the power to heal old wounds, triggers, and our selfish nature. When you think of giving, your mind probably goes to the material world. I am talking about giving your heart and soul, being softer and more understanding and going out of your way to make someone’s life better. The world is so fast-paced, and busy that it’s easy to get wrapped up in our needs and desires. We forget that life truly is about giving. When we slow down and come from a loving giving pace we learn to let go of our own anger and reactive behaviour. When we give to others, we give peace to our souls. We can heal the heaviness that holds us back. The heaviness of selfishness weighs down our relationships. it weighs down our happiness and joy. The act of giving love, patience, softness, and understanding to others is the way to heal and create a peaceful life for you and the people in your life.

One of my favourite quotes is from Tony Robbins. He says, “Living is giving.” This cannot be more true. The Universe is all about energy and when we hold on to things so tight, we don’t let the energy of the Universe flow through them. When we let go and share our love, our heart, our money, our time and our soul these things become lighter and more open to receive more energy. Being giving and free with our energy, both material and non-material creates space for the endless force that created this world to create more in our lives and more in the world.

Easy Ways To Give More Of Your Heart

  • Slow down
  • Be patient
  • Listen more than you talk
  • Meet people where they are at with love and understanding
  • Smile
  • Give genuine compliments
  • Think about others before you act or talk
  • Give love freely without expectations
  • Donate to charity
  • Donate your time
  • Ask people how they are
  • Send people you see struggling love (they can feel that energy)
  • Help others even if it’s inconvenient, and don’t tell them it is inconvenient
  • Think of ways to be generous and make someone’s day, month, or year better
  • Meet people with kindness
  • Let things go

Give More Than You Take

What you put out into the world is what you get back. I encourage you to get up each day with a loving, giving heart. Let go of lack. Meditate on giving more light to people and the world. Imagine a light flowing through you, out to the world and coming back. Think about ways you can give and make the world a better place. Journal: how can I give more than I take? Set some weekly goals. Help others more and give more love to the world. The world needs it now more than ever! I’m sending you all so much love!

xo Alayna

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