Move With The Current Of Life, Not Against It

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Move with the current of life. 
A river current

Do you find yourself fighting the natural flow of life? Do you resist change and growth? Does life seem to push you towards things that feel hard? Or do you go with the flow of life and allow it to carry you? This week I am exploring how to move with the current of life and how you can feel ease and joy every day when you work with what life hands you instead of fighting it.

The Flow Of Life

Somedays, I wake up eager and ready to go. I’m open, present and feel a sense of ease. Other days, I feel like I’m running uphill and I can’t find my footing. I feel disconnected and scattered. So many things contribute to how well our day flows. The first thing I look at if things are feeling out of flow is my consciousness. Am I open? Or am I closed off and disconnected? What am I focusing on? If we are disconnected, and scattered we aren’t open to messages, our intuition and we can allow our day to flow naturally. I like to get up each day and focus on getting myself in a good state by meditating, exercising and praying. By doing this first thing I am more open to the twists and turns the day might hand me. Finding a good flow throughout the day is so important. It keeps you open and focused and you can show up, even when things feel hard.

Moving with the Current

Moving with the current of life, instead of fighting it, will allow you to be open to the magic of the Universe. You will be able to let the Universe guide you toward your path and your purpose. You will be open to more love, laughter and joy. When you let go and let life carry you, it will. If you are always second-guessing yourself, doubting your intuition and controlling things, many beautiful moments will pass you by. You miss the magic. Open yourself up to the natural flow of life and change. We’ve all heard the saying stop and smell the roses. Better yet, stop and let magic in. The more you fight life, the more it fights you. Slow down and just let things be. Close your eyes and imagine you are floating downstream. Just let go and watch things open up. Can you think of a time when being controlling and rigid worked in your favour? My guess is no 🙂 If you feel uptight and you just can’t let go. Stop, rest, go for a walk, listen to some music, meditate, or whatever you need to do to get yourself back in a good state and then carry on.

Signs, synchronicities and Messages

We are constantly being given guidance from the Universe. The only way to receive your messages and guidance is to be open and present. If you are always busy, distracted or living in an unconscious state you will never see them. I constantly ask for signs and guidance. As soon as I made my consciousness one of my number one priorities I started receiving signs and guidance ALL THE TIME. Sometimes I laugh because they are everywhere, but I’m also always asking and praying.

Make Surrender A Daily Practice

My hope for you is you can find ways to let go every single day. Let go of control and allow life to unfold naturally. Embrace life, even when you feel like it’s not going your way. See the twists and turns as gifts. Life is not meant to be controlled and when we surrender to that idea, things start to feel so much easier. We don’t have control over any of it. What we do have control over our state and how we react to things. When things aren’t going according to your plan, try celebrating it and allowing the Universe to show you its plan. I promise you it’s better than you imagine, but you have to be open to it. Take some time to pay attention to your consciousness and teach yourself to surrender. Please reach out below if I can help you with your path to surrender. I am sending you all so much light.

xo Alayna

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