Spiritually Connected Parenting: Cultivating Strong Bonds Through Shared Spiritual Practices

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Sharing the things that bring us joy with our family helps us develop a strong connection with the ones we love. Spirituality is no different. When we share our spiritual practices with our kids we get to know each other on a deeper level and it opens us up to discuss life and the world around us. This week I am sharing how I share my spiritual connection with my kids and why it’s important. I hope it inspires you to take the extra time to include your kids in your spiritual practices.

Spirituality and kids

You might think kids don’t have the space or maturity to understand and embrace spirituality fully, but it’s quite the opposite. Kids are vessels that soak things up without judgment and without the mind getting in the way. Kids are so open that most if not all can feel things that are not of the physical world. There are so many cases of children remembering past lives, they feel angels, see spirits and are in touch with psychic abilities. They are untouched souls that are open to magic and all the wonders of the spiritual world. I find it so fascinating and fun. It makes me want to include my kids more and help them hold on to their connections and gifts. Energy flows where intention goes. If you want something to grow you must be intentional with it and give it time and space to bloom. The more we nurture and create space for things, the more they will grow and create blessings in our lives. I see that with my kids, the more I slow down and share with them, the more peace and connection we have in our relationship. Sharing and giving are the meaning of life. Let us all take the time to share and give to our kids.

How I share my Spiritual practices with my kids

Kids are so eager to get involved and share special moments with us. They light up at the chance to try new things with us. I can’t tell you how excited my kids get when they get to experience the simplest activities. It’s so cute and special. I often think, “Man, we should learn more from kids”. For us adults, it takes a lot more to get us excited. Let us lean into more joy from the small moments in life.

I love to share simple spiritual practices with my kids. I try to keep them between 5-20 minutes so they don’t get bored. I like to explain what we are doing beforehand and why. I make it easy to understand and I give time for lots of questions. I also stay open to what they want to be included in. If someone’s not up to they sit out. I want my kids to do what feels good for them. I’m here to guide and teach, not force or make them believe in something. I always say you do what feels right to you. Change the way you practice so it feels right for you.

My favourite Spiritual practices to share with my kids

  • Yoga
  • Short meditations
  • Legs up the wall with a guided meditation
  • Prayer
  • Energy clearing: Sage and Palo Santo burning
  • Spending time in nature and honoring the earth
  • Noticing signs and guidance
  • Listening to our dreams
  • We talk a lot about angels, guides and the universe
  • Listening to our intuition
  • Setting intentions in the morning

Lead from the heart

We are responsible for the future generation. Let us lead with love and teach our kids to move from the heart. Let us help our kids stay open to magic, their imagination and following their inner knowing. Let us learn from our kids. Slow down and don’t forget kids are our greatest gift. It might take extra time and effort to share with them, but every moment you do will teach them more about how to find a true connection and love the world around them. I’d love to hear how you share your Spiritual practices with your kids! Comment below or send me a message.

xo Alayna

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