Cleansing The Soul

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cleansing the soul. Spring soul cleanse

Spring is a time for new beginnings, birth, growth and a fresh start. We get to shed our winter coats and come alive. We wake up from our winter slumber and cleanse our bodies. We want to feel fresh and vibrant after a sleepy, slow winter. While cleansing the body is very important, we forget about our soul. Our soul needs just as much attention and care. We need to nourish and cleanse our soul to live a happy, purpose-filled life. I hope this article inspires you to dig deep and cleanse your soul this spring.

The Soul

We are all born with a body and a soul. The two must be nourished and connected to live a purpose-filled, connected, happy and healthy life. We cannot see the soul, but we know it’s there. It’s who we are inside. It’s our feelings, emotions, our heart, our presence, our energy, our vibration and our essence. It’s how we show up to the world. Our soul is who we are. Not who we are in the material world, but who we are inside. It has nothing to do with what we own, how we dress, the car we drive etc. The soul is inside us. Learning to listen to your soul takes a lot of practice and slowing down. It takes a deep understanding of yourself to navigate what the soul is trying to tell you. The modern world is so fast-paced and full of so much information that it’s hard for us to connect with our soul. Making my soul a priority has been life-changing. Has it been easy? NO! I’d say it’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it’s so worth the discomfort and effort. Once you connect to your soul and close the gap between your soul and your body, the world opens up and you truly find peace. It’s a lifelong journey, as is any healing. Every day, month, and year there’s a new layer to uncover and heal. I believe this is why we are here. We are on this planet to cleanse, heal, and discover our soul’s essence and purpose.

Cleansing The Soul

Cleansing the soul is removing all the muck that’s holding you back from being you. Your true, authentic, loving, open, giving and patient self. You are a light in this world and when the soul isn’t cleansed it’s dark and your light can’t shine. You don’t feel at peace. Your fears, worries, doubts, shame and blame cloud your decisions. You are reactive and impatient. You aren’t loving and present. You constantly feel confused and overwhelmed. All these things are holding you back from your light and your dream life. While all these feelings are a normal part of life, what if you could move through them and let them go as they come up? This is where consciousness comes in. If you are conscious of your reactive, negative behaviour and thoughts, you are halfway there. Next comes sitting with the discomfort and letting it pass. To do this you will need to find the lesson in every negative thought, feeling, action, person and experience. If you can find the lesson and transform from it, instead of reacting and escaping, you can let it go. Cleansing the soul is looking at what is coming up for you and causing you to react and transforming it. It’s learning lessons from your triggers and discomfort.

Taking care of the body is a big part of cleansing your soul. If your body is unhealthy, your soul doesn’t have a light healthy space to live. I recommend eating a clean, healthy diet. A diet that is easily digested and gives your body energy. Fresh food is key. By fresh food I mean, whole organic, unprocessed, real food. Fruit and vegetables are number one! Clean water, a small amount of caffeine and herbal teas. For caffeine, I like ceremonial-grade matcha. Coffee is fine too, but it has to be clean (most coffee isn’t). You also want to move your body every day. Find something that you love and do it for 20-30 every morning! Get out in nature, nature is part of our soul. We are all part of nature and connecting to it is so important.

Next comes the mind. You should find a way to clear and relax your mind daily. My morning meditations help me start the day with a clear fresh mind. I highly recommend MAKING the time to meditate. There’s always an excuse as to why you don’t have time. If your mind is jumbled and full of muck, the rest of you will be jumbled and full of muck. I love open, fit-on and Gabby Bernstein for guided meditations. You can also find loads of meditations on YouTube. Stay tuned for some guidance and meditations on YouTube from me soon :).

Lastly, get out there and live your life. Connect with people that nourish you and fill you up. Connection is a major part of nourishing our soul. We all need love, support and a connection to community to have a healthy soul. And the people in our lives will mirror what we must cleanse and heal. Which will bring you closer to a nourished, light soul.

Benefits Of Cleansing The soul

  • Less reactive behaviour
  • Better relationships
  • Positive mindset
  • Ability to see challenges as gifts
  • Clearer mind and body
  • An open and peaceful heart
  • More certainty
  • More motivation
  • You will be able to listen more and talk/react less
  • Think and move from your heart

Cleanse your Soul With Me

Last but not least I want to help you cleanse your soul this spring. I don’t have an exact start date (working Mom of 3 from home haha), but I’m putting together a free 7-day soul cleanse. It’s going to be a beautiful way for you to become more conscious and let go of some things that are preventing you from living the life you want. It’s going to take YOU showing up and following my guidance but, I promise you after the 7 days you are going to have a clear path to cleansing your soul. Sign up for my newsletter below and once I have the date you will be the first to know. I genuinely love and care about you all and I’m so excited to share my wisdom with you. I hope you are inspired to show up for yourself. You deserve it!

xo Alayna

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